Picture of Duane, owner of Ratboy Slim Pest

Duane Joy

Pest Control Company In Brighton

A modern approach to pest control

As qualified technicians we operate in a discreet and sensitive way, with the aim of not just eliminating your pest problems, but looking for long term solutions through prevention and protection. As an ethical company, we conduct our business in a completely transparent manner, sharing our findings and offering photographic evidence that our work has been completed to a high standard. Whether you need rodent control or wasp nest removal, you can rely on Ratboy Slim, your modern, professional and ethical pest control company in Brighton.

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  07881 294647


Or Enquire Here






What sets Ratboy Slim apart?

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Quality service with lasting results and ongoing advice

We don't just rid your property of pests; we also provide you with sound advice to help prevent recurrences. Our experienced team carry out quality pest control in Brighton and goes the extra mile to ensure that the issue is thoroughly managed. We will also make sure that you're equipped with the knowledge to safeguard your space going forwards.

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No call out fee

We believe in transparency and fairness. That's why we never charge a call-out fee. When you contact us, we'll promptly schedule a visit, carry out a pest survey, and discuss the best course of action. You'll always know what to expect, and you have the freedom to choose how to proceed.

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Discreet service

As a professional pest control company in Brighton, we understand the importance of privacy. Our unmarked vans and discreet approach ensure that your pest problem remains your business, not your neighbours'. Whether you require rodent control or wasp nest removal we handle your concerns with the utmost confidentiality.


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 Pay as you go,
never upfront

There's no need for upfront payments or
hidden fees.

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Fast response

Pests can pose health risks and create discomfort. That's why we're dedicated to offering a fast response. In most cases, we can attend to your pest problem within 24 hours. If you need wasp nest removal or any other pest removal service, our swift action means we can manage the issue quickly, effectively, and without any fuss.

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Affordable and competitive rates

We take pride in offering affordable pest control services with competitive rates in the local area. Our services cater to both homes and businesses, ensuring that everyone can access the quality pest management they deserve.






We have the RSPH (Royal Society for Public Health) Level 2 certificate in Pest Control, and carry public liability insurance up to £5m.




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Our operating times 


8am - 8pm


8am - 1pm







Neon smiley face in a mouse trap

For rodent control, bed bugs, fleas, and wasp nest removal

Call our helpful pest control company in Brighton on 

 07881 294647


Get In Touch


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